Electric toothbrush

Using an electric toothbrush can remove additional plaque and stains, keeping your teeth healthy and white.

Don't brush immediately after a meal, this can damage enamel. Wait a few minutes for food to loosen, swish with alkaline drops, and floss first.

Proper brushing technique

(Video of old doc showing circular motion)

Frequent dentist visits

Better to diagnose problems early and obtain frequent plaque cleanings and polishes.

Tongue cleaner

The tongue is a rough surface where bacteria and food debris readily accumulate. It's also where the scent of smoked marijuana lingers.

By using a good stainless steel tongue cleaner between meals, you can greatly freshen your breath and cut down on bacteria in your mouth.

I recommend a couple different tongue cleaners. One for each bathroom, or for traveling. A long one, one which scrapes sharply. A plastic one for delicate work.

Find a set of tongue cleaners which suite your needs.

Gum serum / remineralization powder

Use this after acidic or sugary meals, or if you cannot access a toothbrush.

Use this throughout the day (together with a tongue cleaner) to maintain fresh breath and a neutral pH.

It does not actually remineralize as well as fluoride, but it is still a great way to keep bacteria in check (if you can't brush, or clean your tongue). This will help keep your breath fresher, and improve your taste of food.


Ideally bamboo or coconut.

If you are going to skip brushing, floss between meals and snacks. In addition to the remineralizing drops, it is a great alternative to constant brushing.

Multiple toothpastes

  • Clay-based (e.g. Uncle Harry's)
  • Fluoridated
  • Charcoal

Have at least one portable toothpaste as well, for on the go. As well as the remineralizing drops

Avoiding chewing gum, biting lips, grinding teeth

Even if you are not predisposed to bruxism (uncontrolled clenching or grinding of teeth), you can still benefit from a reduction in stress and muscle tension.

Avoid biting your lips or finger cuticles. Avoid chewing gum too often. These behaviors can lead to direct attrition of occlusal edges and will further reinforce the motor process of clenching,

Eating too many chewy foods (dried fruit, jerky, tough meat) can also cause some degree of stress.

Vodka brushing (optional)

Particularly relevant if you consume Cannabis, as the oils will condense on your teeth and stain them brownish.

Brush with 1/4 of a shot of vodka for 1 minute, once or twice a week.

This can also aid to remove non-polar food stains, where other methods have failed.


Less processed sugars, sweet fruits; more spicy food and savory vegetables.

Some raw foods and less processed foods overall, to promote healthy gut bacteria.


Depending your diet, you may want to supplement calcium citrate. And a magnesium source.

Take 1/2 multivitamin on days where you eat less healthy, as some of the vitamins are involved in maintaining internal tooth health.

Other tips

Spring or filter water with a pH above 7. Limit soda, citrus, other acidic drinks.

Stay hydrated, avoid dry mouth and breath through nose if possible.

Limit snacking. Brush between meals.

Don't clench, grind or bite your lip or fingers. Don't cause obvious damage.


Last Updated



